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Q: What is it called when a ecosystem is destroyed?
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What effect do volcanoes have on the ecosystem?

The ecosystems are destroyed depending on where the ecosystem is located. If it is near a volcano and the lava reaches it, the ecosystem will be destroyed. If the ecosystem is not in reach of a volcano it will be okay.

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What would happen to an ecosystem if all the decomposers were destroyed?

If all the decomposers in an ecosystem were destroyed then the ecosystem would all apart. This is because they give the nutrients back to the soil in order for new organisms to grow.

What happened if the ecosystem where destroyed?

the biodiversity of the areas will be destroyed.

What happens if one part of an ecosystem is damaged or destroyed?

Depending on the ecosystem being damaged or the scale of said damage it could have large scale or little to no affect on the ecosystem. lets say a large part of the ecosystem was destroyed then it would change the habit of almost every living creature.

Use ecosystem in a sentence?

The ecosystem is capable of mainting food for many species.

When living and non living things interact what is it called?

It is called an ecosystem

Forest ecosystem is why called ecosystem?

i want to know is a forest a ecosystem?

Why are pioneer specie?

The pioneer species begins an ecosystem for succession such as lichens. They start an ecosystem after the previous was destroyed or start an all new one

Why species are important?

The pioneer species begins an ecosystem for succession such as lichens. They start an ecosystem after the previous was destroyed or start an all new one

Why are pioneer species important?

The pioneer species begins an ecosystem for succession such as lichens. They start an ecosystem after the previous was destroyed or start an all new one

What is a group of organisms and their environment called?
