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Q: What is it called when federal government demands that the states take action or do something?
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What is the difference between government action and private action?

i think that government action is something that you do with the government. private action is like something you do as a family or a small grupe of people.

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These photos are evidence of which action taken by the federal government during the late 1800s

What action did thomas Jefferson take to the lower the national debt?

The action Thomas Jefferson took to lower the national debt was that he streamlined government and increased sales of federal land.

What favors federal action?

The nationalist position favors federal action. Nationalists advocate for national unity and believe that the government will benefit the most from independence.

What does the federal government hopes to overcome of the past discrimination?

affirmative action

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He cut federal spending.

What did Washington do when farmers in western Pennsylvania challenged the authority of new federal government by the action known as the whiskey rebellion?

He used the authority of the federal government to put down the rebellion

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draft and propaganda

In the guarantees of the Bill of Rights who's action is limited?

The US Constitution is capable of limiting the action of only one group: the federal government.

What happens when a government action is claimed uncostitutional?

If it is only CLAIMED that the act was unconstitutional, it will take action, initiated in Federal Court, to decide the issue.

unfunded mandates?

Programs that the Federal government requires States to implement without Federal funding.

What was the first action taken by the federal government to protect the environment?

Establishing a national park system ... apex