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It depends a bit on what you mean by 'take care of', but a commonly used word for this is welfare, welfare state. or disability.

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Q: What is it called when the government takes care of the people?
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People who don't care about a particular topic are usually labeled as apathetic.

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Yes . There can be more than one type of government . There are three types of government -: Local government - it takes care of a city , village or district . State government - it takes care of a state Central/Union government - it takes care of the entire country . Hope it helped you ! :)

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No, that is an issue for state concern.

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In fact, no branch of any government takes care of the churches in the United States. Throughout history, the Church has taken over certain responsibilities of the state, but no part government in the United States has ever taken care of or funded any church.

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By having a genuine care for the greater good; and for the people, not personal gain. Join forces with like minded people to begin a prevailing underground movement."It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a flag to raze the children"