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From sunset on Friday evening to sundown Saturday night is considered the Sabbath (Shabbat) for the Jewish people. On Friday at sunset, at least two candles are lit and blessed to welcome in the Shabbat. Traditionally, this is a role of women in Judaism. During Shabbat, there are three meals eaten: One on Friday evening, two on Saturday. At the first two of these meals, challah (the twisted bread) is blessed and eaten. The meals don't begin without two loaves of bread. Any whole loaf of bread can be used, but it is tradional for most Jews to use challah.

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Q: What is meaning of loaf of bread with candles to Jewish people?
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Bread was called the "staff of life" because it was such an important part of people's diet until recently. As such, it symbolizes the bounty of God and was made the central component of the festive meals on Sabbath and festivals. Because bread is so central to the meal, the blessing which is said during the breaking of bread covers all other foods eaten during the same meal.

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Candles, wine, and challah bread

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What is the connection between yeast and Christianity?

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