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The culture of a society are the things that they hold important such as their religion, their clothes and their way of dressing. It is important that international managers understand it is so that they do not offend, understand the willingness of workers to produce the product, and how the product should look like.

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Q: What is meant by the culture of a society and why is it important that international managers understand it?
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Why is it important for international managers to understand the culture of a society?

Opinions may vary. It is necessary so that s/he can socialize with prospective customers or clients, gain support and patrons, sell the product or services and close a deal.

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Managers jobs require being able to be personable and contribute to making employees feel valued. In order to understand how to best push employees reach their potential while remaining sensitive to their customs, it is helpful to understand the culture they come from. Hope this helps!

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Why is it important to understand society today?

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