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Cord, shoulder



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Q: What is name of Ornamental braiding hanging from shoulders of uniforms?
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What is a word that ends in e and is fur worn over the shoulders and hanging down?


What is the best exercise for the trapezius?

Your arms in a hanging position by your sides,move your shoulders toward your neck and squeeze at the top position and relax.

How do you spell muu muu?

The word "muumuu" is the English equivalent of the Hawaiian word muʻumuʻu , the name for a loose, hanging dress supported by the shoulders.

How do you braid beads into your hair?

After you have finished braiding the section of the hair strands,you put your hair through the bead and push it up further enough where you see hair hanging and take one of those small rubber bands and wrap it around where the bead stays on.

What knot is for hanging?

hangman's knot or hangman's noose. ...interchangeable.

Is there not a Jews prayer for blessing a home?

The Bible contains a commandment to "write these words on the doorposts of your homes, and on your gates." Many Jews keep this commandment by hanging the text of "these words" in the form of a little scroll in an ornamental case on the doorpost of their front door (and sometimes on interior doors). The scroll and case are usually called a mezuzah (the word just means doorpost). There's a brief blessing to say before hanging a mezuzah, and this blessing, plus the hanging of a mezuzah, frequently serves as the formal dedication of a new Jewish home.

What is difference between homicidal hanging and suicidal hanging?

Homicidal hanging is one person hanging hanging another person; suicidal hanging is one person hanging themselves.

What is the definition cape?

Cape has a few meanings - A sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders. - A brightly colored cloth used in maneuvering the bull in a bullfight, or a point or head of land projecting into a body of water.

What is cape definition?

Cape has a few meanings - A sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders. - A brightly colored cloth used in maneuvering the bull in a bullfight, or a point or head of land projecting into a body of water.

What does PALLIO mean English hw help?

The Italian word pallio, pallium in English, means a woolen vestment conferred by the pope on an archbishop, consisting of a narrow, circular band placed around the shoulders with short lappets hanging from front and back.

How does one care for a fox fur coat?

Your fur should always be hung on a broad, sturdy padded hanger to keep to shoulders from loosing their shape. The neck of the hanger should be long enough to keep the collar of the coat away from the hanging rod.

Why rappers have towels hanging over their shoulders?

Generally it is used to wipe sweat off of their head and face during a battle, it's just a little more hygienic than wiping sweat off with just your arm or your sleeve , hope it helped