

What is one form of potential energy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Chemical energy.

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Q: What is one form of potential energy?
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Is chemical energy kinetic energy or potential energy?

It is a form of potential energy.

What form of potential energy does a person blowing a vuvuzela have?

chemical potential energy

What form of energy is fresh vegetables?

Potential energy :)

What is an energy form based on position above or below another point?

Gravitational potential energy is an energy form based on an object's position above or below another point. It is directly related to an object's weight and height relative to a reference point, such as the Earth's surface.

What is a form of energy that comes from chemical bonds?

One form of energy that comes from chemical bonds is chemical energy. This energy is stored in the bonds of molecules and is released when these bonds are broken during a chemical reaction. It is a common form of energy found in fuels like gasoline, food, and batteries.

Is solar energy potential energy?

yes sunlight is a form of potential energy

How can energy change from one form to anther?

Energy can change from one form to another through processes such as conversion, transformation, and transfer. For example, mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy in a generator, or chemical energy can be transformed into thermal energy through combustion. Energy can also be transferred between different systems, such as through radiation or conduction.

Is coal a form of potential energy?

Yes, coal is a form of potential energy because it contains stored energy that can be released through combustion to produce heat and electricity.

What form of energy does a compressed spring have?

A compressed spring has potential energy stored in the form of elastic potential energy. This potential energy is ready to be released as kinetic energy when the spring is allowed to expand and return to its natural state.

What form of energy is all energy eventually changed into?

potential energy is the form of energy

What form of energy does a spring have?

Potential energy

What form of energy do living things into mechanical energy and thermal energy?

Energy can change from one form to another.For example,living things store potential energy as chemical energy.