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Scientists believe that they moved in groups from place to place, creating shelters with tools and using fire to keep warm. Building shelters allowed them to live in colder climates and in places where there were no cave to provide natural shelter. Being able to control fire helped them survive the cold, harsh climates of where they traveled to.

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Q: What is one way that early humans adapted to cold environments?
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What is one way early humans adapted to cold?

Because U Touch Yourself At Night

How did the early humans adapt to cold climate?

They adapted by sought protection from the weather in caves. They also learned to survive in colder climates.

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There are many different kinds of sheep. Some types have adapted to their desert or cold environments, and for dry conditions.

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Endotherms are significantly better adapted to cold water and cold environments in general than ectotherms. This is because endotherms can operate at a temperature that is maximally efficient for the function of their enzymes.

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They found ways to survive and keep them selves cold or warm.

Was the place cold for the neanderthal to live?

Yes. The Neanderthal body was adapted to cold weather. It had a larger mass than modern humans, which helped retain heat.

Why do dogs not catch your cold?

The common cold in humans is caused by rhinovirus, which is pretty specific to humans. There are other strains of rhinovirus that infect dogs, but those strains don't infect humans. The barrier for this is the type of protein on the surface of the cells of the upper respiratory tract - there are different proteins on human cells than there are on canine cells. The virus is very well adapted to only one species, so a human-adapted rhinovirus can only infect humans while a canine-adapted rhinovirus can only infect dogs.

What kind of environment did neanderthal live in?

Neanderthals lived in a variety of environments, including forests, grasslands, and mountainous regions. They adapted to diverse landscapes and climates, using caves for shelter and crafting tools from the materials available in their surroundings.

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Penguins live in cold places because they are genetically adapted for the cold.

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There were more glaciers and a colder climate.

How did early humans lived in Antarctica 15000 years ago?

No humans have lived in Antarctica that are native to the continent. It's too cold there to support life.