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Q: What is orangelles that assemble proteins?
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What does DNA contain that tells the body how to assemble proteins?

DNA contains genes that tells the body how to assemble proteins. The genes have a code that will communicate to amino acids to assemble the proteins.

What is the Job of a ribsosmes?

they assemble proteins

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Are proteins assembled in the cell?

Ribosomes are the cell organelles that assemble proteins. They function as factories to produce usable proteins for a cell.

Ribosomes use amino acids to assemble new?


What does the r stand for in rRNA?

Ribosomal - This is where ribosomes assemble proteins.

Sites of protein synthis?

It is the function of ribosomes to assemble proteins in cells.

What are polysomes?

Polysomes are a cluster of ribosomes whose duty is to assemble proteins from mRNA

Proteins that come from animal sources are?

Animal proteins are complete. Plants provide amino acids which can be used by your body to assemble proteins if enough of the right amino acids are present.

Amino acids used to assemble your protein in order?

Proteins are made of Amino Acid "polymers" where each amino acid is like a link in a (polymer) chain. When you eat proteins your digestion system breaks them down into amino acids. The amino acids (flexible building blocks) are then absorbed into your body, and they are used to build (assemble) your proteins.

What does the ribosomes do inside of an animal cell?

Ribosomes produce ad assemble proteins in a cell. Proteins are vital for everything a cell does, so ribosomes are pretty important =)

What is an adaptin?

An adaptin is any of a class of proteins which interact with membrane-bound receptors to assemble clathrin-coated vesicles.