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Intestinal blockages of food conglomerates.

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Q: What is phytobezoars?
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More information about phytobezoars?

Phytobezoars are spherical masses of plant fibre that can be found in the rumen of cattle (and very rarely in sheep and goats). They can be caused by rough feed, or oral or dental disease that prevents mastication (chewing). They are usually incidental (don't cause any problems).

Can phytobezoar cause serious headaches?

Phytobezoars are spherical masses of plant fibre that can be found in the rumen of cattle (and very rarely in sheep or goats). They do not usually cause any harm. It is very unlikely that a phytobezoar would cause headaches - they only cause problems when they block openings in the gastrointestinal tract. This would be more likely to cause symptoms such as abdominal pain or bloating than a headache.

What are the uses of beta glucanase?

Uses of Beta GlucanaseBeta Glucanase digests fiber. It helps remedy digestive problems such as malabsorption.Beta Glucanase is a very important enzyme because the human body cannot produce it on its own.Beta Glucanase helps in the breakdown of plant walls (cellulose), and increases the overall efficiency of binding excess cholesterol and toxins in the intestines for removal.Beta Glucanase may be beneficial for food and environmental Allergies, drug withdrawal, cell detoxification, colon cleaning and pain syndromes, Candida (yeast infections), gas, bloating, acute food allergies, facial pain or paralysis.Beta Glucanase is used for commercial food processing in coffee.It performs hydrolysis of cellulose during drying of beans.Beta Glucanase is used in the fermentation of biomass into biofuels, although this process is relatively experimental at present.Beta Glucanase is used as a treatment for Phytobezoars, a form of cellulose bezoar found in the human stomach.Beta Glucanase is used in animal healthcare as a feed supplement for better FCR and Milk yield Inhancer in Poultry and Cattle industry.Beta Glucanase is used in textile industry as a fading agent.

What are the uses of beta-glucanase?

Uses of Beta GlucanaseBeta Glucanase digests fiber. It helps remedy digestive problems such as malabsorption.Beta Glucanase is a very important enzyme because the human body cannot produce it on its own.Beta Glucanase helps in the breakdown of plant walls (cellulose), and increases the overall efficiency of binding excess cholesterol and toxins in the intestines for removal.Beta Glucanase may be beneficial for food and environmental allergies, drug withdrawal, cell detoxification, colon cleaning and pain syndromes, Candida (yeast infections), gas, bloating, acute food allergies, facial pain or paralysis.Beta Glucanase is used for commercial food processing in coffee.It performs hydrolysis of cellulose during drying of beans.Beta Glucanase is used in the fermentation of biomass into biofuels, although this process is relatively experimental at present.Beta Glucanase is used as a treatment for Phytobezoars, a form of cellulose bezoar found in the human stomach.Beta Glucanase is used in animal healthcare as a feed supplement for better FCR and Milk yield Inhancer in Poultry and Cattle industry.Beta Glucanase is used in textile industry as a fading agent.