

What is planck's quantization energy?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is planck's quantization energy?
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no se

How does light demonstrates quantization?

The energy in light waves comes in units called photons

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If the energy of an electron is found with Energy equals hc divided by lamda which contains only positive terms how can the energy of a bound electron be negative?

The h in the hc stands for plancks constant which is 6.63 x10^-34, which is negative. :)

What is the Planck distribution of radiation?

The Planck's Distribution of Radiation describes the energy volume density radiated of a black body in terms of frequency or wavelenght. A black body is a material or a physical device that absorbs light and radiates it back not as usual reflected light but as the outcome of electrons reducing their energy levels. The formula is basically an interpolation of Wiens formula and some of plancks considerations on statistical physics. It casually introduces quantization of energy as a mathematical artiluge to fit results, but agrees with the actual understanding of photons as discrete particles. Hope this help you some bit ;-D

What is the difference between uniform quantization and non uniform quantization?

one syllable LOL

What is the Different between sampling and quantization?

Sampling Discritizes in time Quantization discritizes in amplitude

What is an ideal quantization error?

The ideal Quantization error is 2^N/Analog Voltage

What are the types of scalar quantization?

There are two types of quantization .They are, 1. Truncation. 2.Round off.

How are the energy and frequency of electronmagnetic radiation related?

We need to know the equation E=h where h=plancks constant . From this equation you can see that energy and frequency are directly related ( one increases as the other one dicrease )

What was Max Plancks biggest invention?

The Quantum Theory.

What is the relationship between quantisation noise and bandwidth in pcm systems?

Quantization noise is a model of quantization error introduced by quantization in the analog-to-digital conversion(ADC) in telecommunication systems and signal processing.