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Q: What is positivists communication?
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Who were logical positivists?

Moritz Schlick, Rudolf Carnap, and Alfred North Whitebread

What individuals in philosophy are examples of logical positivists?

Some notable individuals in philosophy who are examples of logical positivists include Rudolf Carnap, Moritz Schlick, and A.J. Ayer. They were part of the Vienna Circle, a group of philosophers who advocated for the verification principle and the logical analysis of language.

How is political science similar to other sciences?

Political science, like other sciences, uses systematic methods to analyze and explain phenomena. It relies on empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks to make sense of political behavior and institutions. Additionally, political science strives to generate knowledge that is objective and generalizable, just like other scientific disciplines.

According to the logical positivists the utterance God exists is?

considered meaningless because it is not verifiable through empirical evidence. Logical positivists believed that meaningful statements must either be directly verifiable through sense experience or be reducible to statements that are verifiable through sense experience. Since the existence of God cannot be empirically verified, they deemed it as meaningless.

What is the difference between empiricism and positivism?

Empiricism is the philosophical belief that knowledge is derived from sensory experience, while positivism is a school of thought that asserts that knowledge should be based on observable facts and data. Positivism is a broader worldview that encompasses empiricism as one of its components.

Basic types of communication?

inerta communication inter communication mass communication group communication

What are the four types of communication?

Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication,Written Communication and Visual communication

Why would positivist oppose qualitative method of research?

because quantitative researchers have a positive paradigmatic stance, which opposes qualitative researchers stance who are interpretivist. Moreover, some positivists believe qualitative research lacks scientific rigour.

What communication is communication with oneself?

intrapersonal communication

What are the different elements and areas of communication?

area communication is are non-verval communication,verval communication and written communication

What are the three formal communication flows found organization?

Communication can be categorized into formal and informal communication. The three types of formal communication are horizontal communication, upward communication and downward communication.