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Q: What is produced in the liver from glucose and is stored in the liver and used as energy?
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In which organ is glycogen produced?

Glyogen is produced in the liver and is used to provide glucose when we need additional energy. Glycogen is stored in both the liver and muscles.

Where is glucose stored in the body?

In the human body, glucose is stored in the cells. The function of the stored glucose is the secondary energy storage. The primary energy is stored in the adipose tissue.

Glucose is stored in the liver as?

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What is stored by the body as energy reserves?

Energy is stored for later use by converting it to a compound that can be stored. These are glycogen and humans and starch in plants. In humans, insulin is produced by the pancreas which converts glucose (which can't be stored) into glycogen (which can be stored) which is stored in the liver. to convert the glycogen back to glucose when energy is needed the pancreas produces glucagon, this then converts the glycogen to glucose which is ready to be used by the body for energy.

Where is glucogen stored?

Glucose is stored as glycogen in muscles and liver.

How do animals store glucose?

Most animals store glucose as glycogen in liver and muscles .

Where is the energy in sucrose stored?

Sucrose (table sugar) is a disaccharide compound composed of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. In the human body the "energy" from sucrose is broken down into the aforementioned monosaccarides. The glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in muscle tissues. Fructose is stored as glycogen in the liver. If the energy stores of the muscles and liver in the human body become filled then the remaining glucose and fructose are stored in adipose tissue (body fat).

What happens to glucose and amino acids when they are absorbed into the blood stream?

After the glucose is absorbed into the blood it is taken to the liver and is either stored or distributed to cells throughout the body for energy. To provide enough energy for the body the liver regulates blood glucose levels. Example: excess glucose is converted to glycogen in the liver and is stored. Likewise, if blood sugar levels fall it is reconverted back to glucose. Not sure about amino acids :P

What happens when carbs aren't used immedietly?

When you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs for energy your body will break it down into glucose and then rebuild it in the liver as glycogen. The glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles. Then when you need more energy than you have eaten in carbohydrates your body breaks down the stored glycogen into glucose and you burn the glucose for energy.

Where can glucose be stored as glycogen?

the liver

What is a possible fate for a glucose particle in the bloodstream?

It is either used as source of energy or converted to glycogen and stored in liver.

What are the advantages of the liver storing glycogen as a form of energy instead of glucose?

glycogen is a more complex carbohydrate than glucose. macromolecules are stored as complex molecules for example lipids are stored as complex fat.