

Best Answer
  • You must be a citizen of the United States by birth or naturalization.
  • You must be a resident of Virginia not claiming a residency in another state.
  • You must be 18 years old on or before the date of the next general election.
  • You must NOT have been convicted of a felony, unless your rights have been restored by the governor or other authority.
  • You must NOT have been judged to be mentally incompetent by a circuit court, unless your rights have been restored by the circuit court.

From the DMV.ORG for Virginia

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Q: What is required before a citizen may vote in virginia?
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A poll tax was required to be paid before a citizen could vote.

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White men were the only ones allowed to vote in the colony of Virginia. They also were required to own property.

What are you required to do to be eligible to vote?

Be at least 18 or older and be an American citizen.

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Every citizen who is at least 18 is required to vote.

Where could woman vote before they were allowed to vote in Virginia?

They couldn't vote until 1920.

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Every citizen who is at least 18 is required to vote.

Who votes in Virginia?

Registered voters. That means you are 18, a US Citizen, not a convicted felon, and registered to vote.

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A citizen assembly is a meeting of the citizens to consider and vote on matters put before them by a council.

How long do you have to live in the state of Virginia before your eligible to vote?

There is no time limit. When you get an address register to vote.

What rules do presidential candidates have to follow?

They have to be 4o years of age. They have to be a United States citizen. Before going to war they must have approval from Congress( however, presidents have found a way around this in the past) They can veto any law passed by Congress. However, Congress can overturn a veto-ed law.

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