

What is safe way to clean Baby swimming pool?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Put a few capfuls of lemon juice or several drops of tea tree oil into a bucket of very warm water and wash it with a sponge, rinsing thoroughly with a garden hose afterward. The tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and is completely natural.

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Q: What is safe way to clean Baby swimming pool?
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There is a product called "Pool Anti-Freeze" that is a safe, non-toxic swimming pool cleaner. You can purchase it at the Aqua Superstore online and it is around $10 for a 1quart bottle of concentrated liquid.

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I guess so. If you wash it, I don't see why not?

Can you swim after losing your mucus plug?

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If the water is properly cleaned and treated before swimming, it can be safe to use rain run-off in a pool.

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one hundred degrees

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maybe if you like to hurt yourself