

What is sigma kappa ritual?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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14y ago

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One way to answer the question asked is: It is the secret words that comprise the process and form of formal Kappa Sigma Chapter meetings, pledging ceremonies, initiations, and the like.

Another way to answer the question is: It is an actual written book that describes how each of the above mentioned rituals is to be performed. The ritual book also includes the fraternity's explanation of their partly rather fancifully imagined and partlyctual history, plus an explanation of all their symbols, crests, etc.. Notably, the ritual book leaves out many secret pass phrases, descriptions of secret hand signals and handshakes of recognition, and a rather crude cryptographic method for passing secret hand-written messages. Those are meant by the fraternity's members to be passed down as an oral tradition only, in case someone were to eventually get their hands on an actual copy of the written ritual book.

In mid-2008, someone - apparently an actual Kappa Sigma member - did photograph the secret ritual book and published the photos as a .pdf file on the internet.

Note that the person who originally made the .pdf document took the time to add digital text annotations explaining and clarifying the oral traditions as well. As I have tried it myself, not enough is given to prove myself as a member.

Side Note: Lawyers for Kappa Sigma have attempted to use the digital millennium copyright act to halt distribution of the Kappa Sigma ritual, claiming that it is a copyrighted work, even though Kappa Sigma never bothered to register the copyright (registration of copyright is not required to prove copyright in a work, but it IS a legal requirement prior to initiating any legal action for enforcement of copyright rights.). In many cases (such as Google, Ask, Digg, etc.) the lawyers have been successful in panicking service providers into taking down their links. Others, such as Wikileaks, have stood firm, citing the U.S. copyright law "fair use" exemption for educational purposes.

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It is ritual for a reason. You won't get an answer :)

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