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Hey, unless your name is Google stop acting like you f*****g know everything!

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Q: What is some great comebacks for mean girls?
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What are some great comebacks for mean boys?

Just ignore them or say your mother :P it works.

What are some good classy comebacks for girls?

A good classy comeback for a girl is "that is why there is only one me".

What are some great comebacks to use when someone calls you a stuck up brat?

you could say at least I'm not conceited (conceited means in love with yourself) i would know this because I am super great at comebacks

Who is the underdog in the world series?

Some of my friends are saying the Giants will win based on their stats and how they have great comebacks.

What are some good comebacks there are some older girls who do not like the fact i stand up for myself i don't care if these get me hit?

Apparently, they aren't older girls. If they are picking on someone younger, it's seems as though they are merely jealous and also childish.

What are some really good comebacks that aren't mean?

Like if someone says '' your stupid'' say i know you are or thanks im glad you notice''

Where can one learn some funny comebacks?

There are several books you can purchase either in Barnes and Noble or via the web for funny comebacks. A site called silentreed in hubpages has some realy good ones.

What are some good comebacks for when people have a go at you for being vegetarian?

Says the murderer....

What are some GOOD comebacks for when someone calls you a Jew?

Just say thank you for the compliment.

What are some great teen movies to watch?

you again, my best friend wedding, mean girls, twilight,footloose(new one), burlesque and more!

What are some snappy comebacks to a person that says guess what?

Your test results came back negative?

How do you make the the girls like or admire you?

It depends on what girl. Girls, like guys, have personal inerests and tastes in guys. Some girls notice guys with great hair, some notice guys with great bodies, some notice guys with great eyes. You can't be all-around perfect, so flirt a little! Great personality is a quality that most girls look for so be more interesting than the next guy. Don't lie, though. Girls hate that!