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There is only one part of the computer that makes any decisions and that is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). It does 2 things, it does arithmetic problems which are 100% accurate. The other thing it does is run applications, such as Microsoft Word, games, power point slides, etc. Now applicatons are written into programming language by human beings. So since human beings are never 100% correct then applications are not 100% correct either.

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Almost anybody can make information available on the internet-including information that is intentionally or inadvertently false, misleading, or incomplete. Material published in books, newspapers, and journals by reputable publishers is normally subjected to fact-checking and various other editorial reviews.

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That will depend on the user of the computer. If the user inputs incorrect information or instructions to a computer, then its results will not be precise. If you tell a computer to add two numbers when you meant to tell it to multiply them, then the computer will not give you what you want, although it will have given you what you told it to give you. Most "computer errors" are in fact errors due to mistakes people make when using or programming computers. There is a term called GIGO which stands for "Garbage In Garbage Out." It basically means that the quality of information and results you get from a computer are related to the quality of what you enter into it. So a computer will be accurate and precise if the people that use them and program them do so correctly.

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About 99.7% of the time, then there is the 0.3% chance that they may mis-calculate, and have to restart the system.

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A computer system accepts raw data, stores it, processes it and output information in a high degree of accuracy.

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