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It consists of bone connected to bone by hyaline cartilage.

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Q: What is synchondrosis made of?
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What does the word synchondrosis mean?

Bone united by hyaline cartilage. Example: Epiphyseal plate

What kind of joint is slightly movable and is held together by fibrous connective tissue?

fibrous synchondrosis

Bones held together by cartilage are known as?

cartilaginous joints or synchondrosis joints

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Radioulnar articulation can be classified as what type of articulation?

it is one of four options syndesmosis synchondrosis symphysis or Diarthrosis

What is the difference between syndesmosis and synchondrosis?

Syndesmosis: Amphiarthrotic (meaning they slightly move), fibrous joint held together by ligaments. Ex: joints joining fibula and tibia Synchondrosis: Synarthrotic (meaning they do not move), cartilaginous joints held together by hyaline cartilage. Ex: epiphyseal plate

On the basis of structural classification which joint is fibrous connective tissue?

Ligaments are the fibrous connective tissue that holds bones in a joint together.

What are the two types cartiliginous joints?

Types of cartiliginous joints: Synchondrosis Symphysis Synchondrosis joint has bands of hyaline cartilage which unite bones and an epiphyseal plate (temporary). For example between manubrium and first rib (synarthrotic). Symphysis joint has a pad of fibrocartilage between bones. For example the pubis symphysis and the joint between bodies of vertebrae. (amphiarthrotic).