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News Home Page = Southern Gardening = ---- By Norman Winter

MSU Horticulturist

Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center If your neighborhood has any deep red-bronze Japanese maples growing, they are probably this year's Mississippi Medallion award winning tree, the Bloodgood. This maple has earned the respect of landscapers and gardeners throughout the South. Like many Southerners, this small maple has a storied past that began overseas. The Bloodgood is believed to be an old variety from The Netherlands that was sold to Bloodgood Nurseries in New York. It is the most highly sought-after and respected Japanese maple in the Deep South. Bloodgood is brilliant in the spring with new dark bronze- red leaves followed by exotic foliage throughout the summer and a fall blaze of crimson-orange. It may hold the deep red color and never turn green. The leaves are usually five lobed, coupled with two smaller basal lobes. The attractive red fruit of the Bloodgood is called samara. When shed by the tree, the winged fruit rotate like helicopter blades and fly through the air. The Bloodgood Japanese maple prefers well drained, moist, slightly acidic soils with morning sun and afternoon shade or areas of dappled light. Now is one of the best times to plant a Japanese maple. Spread a 4-inch layer of fine pine bark and peat over the bed and till to a depth of 10 inches. Dig the planting hole three to five times as wide as the root ball but no deeper. The top of the root ball should be even with the soil profile. Set the tree in the hole and backfill to two-thirds the depth. Tamp the soil down and water to settle. Then add the remaining backfill, repeating the process. After planting, water and apply a 3-inch layer of mulch. Supplemental water during the summer and protection from wind goes a long way in preventing scorching and keeping the leaves looking their best. It also will help retain the red leaf color. Feed in late winter with a light application of a slow release 12-6-6 or 8-8-8 fertilizer and broadcast evenly under the canopy. If grown in a tub, use time-released granules or water-soluble fertilizer in early spring and again in early summer. Maintain moisture and mulch through the summer. The Bloodgood Japanese maple is a beautiful multi-stemmed tree with a fine-textured appearance. To get this multi-stemmed look and graceful appearance, selectively prune during its early years of establishment. It is an upright grower, reaching 15 feet in height, occasionally 20 feet, making it ideal for the urban home. The Japanese maple is the ultimate accent or focal point for a garden. They deserve to be seen and admired. The Bloodgood is at home in a garden with azaleas, dogwoods and Louisiana phlox. The Bloodgood also excels in a large container on a patio or deck and would be considered the signature plant for the Oriental- style garden. Shop for yours today. Look for the point-of-sale material, and you will see why the Bloodgood Japanese maple has been selected as a 2000 Mississippi Medallion winner. -30- Released: April 3, 2000

Contact: Norman Winter, (601) 857-2284 Editor's Note: Ideal publication dates of Southern Gardening columns are within one month of their release. Editors should examine older columns carefully for any information that could be time sensitive.


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Last Modified: Friday, 17-Aug-07 14:33:02


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Types of Maple TreesThere are several different types of maple trees. Each of the types of maple trees has its own characteristics and growth requirements. Most maple trees are hardy in zones five through eight, but some types of maple trees will grow in areas as cold as zone three or as hot as zone ten.One of the most common types of maple trees is the sugar maple tree. The sugar maple tree grows throughout most of the western and northwestern United States. The leaves are five lobed, with three primary veins running down the three largest lobes. Sugar maple trees will grow to a height of from seventy to ninety feet, but some are known to have reached a hundred or more feet at maturity.Other types of maple trees are the Japanese maple trees. These types of maple trees come in many different sizes, and are primarily used for their ornamental qualities. One of the Japanese types of maple trees, the red Japanese maple tree, has bright red foliage in the spring, and bright red leaves in the fall. It is one of the most commonly used ornamental trees in the world. The normal Japanese maple tree has green foliage in the spring and obtains a lovely crimson foliage in the autumn months.Another of the types of maple trees is the red maple tree. The red maple tree is one of the fastest growing of the types of maple trees, growing slower only than the silver maple trees. This maple tree will grow to between forty and sixty feet and can easily live to over one hundred years. These are only a few of the over fifty types of maple trees. More information about types of maple trees can be found at any local nursery.

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Japanese Maple, Jackfruit and Juniper are trees that begin with the letter J.

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Yes, there are maple trees in Europe. Some maple trees such as Cretan (Acer sempervirens), hedge (A. campestre) and sycamore (A. pseudoplatanus) maples number among Europe's native flora. Others, such as Japanese maple (A. palmatum), represent maples that can be imported from other continents and naturalized in Europe.

What is the best fertilizer for Japanese maples?

A balanced organic or specialty fertilizer are what is best for Japanese maple trees (Acer palmatum).Specifically, Japanese maple trees benefit from either a balanced, slow-release organic fertilizer or from a fertilizer that is designed especially for their leaf color and shape needs. Either one can work. Otherwise, Japanese maple trees may not need fertilizer applications if they are growing in grass, ground cover, lawn or turf that benefits from regular fertilizer treatments.