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Electronegativity dif. - dEN

0 > dEN > 0.6 ----> covalent (I think this is what you mean by "similar")

0.7 > dEN > 1.6 -----> polar covalent

1.7 > dEN > 4.0 ------> ionic

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100% Covalent

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A non-polar covalent bond.

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Q: What is the Bond between two elemetns with similar electronegativities?
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What bond is formed with Nitrogen and chlorine?

Covalent. Nonpolar covalent. Nitrogen and chlorine have very similar electronegativities. Therefore the electron will be shared equally between them and the bond will be nonpolar covalent. The larger the difference between the electronegativities the more polar the bond.

What type of bond is between Metals with nonmetals of similar electronegativities?

Generally, an ionic bond is formed between a metal atom and a non metal atom.

How can the type of bond be predicted?

Ionic bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is over 2.Covalent polar bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is under 2.Covalent non-polar bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is cca. zero

What does a non polar covalent bond show about electronegativities of its two atoms?

The electronegativities of it's two atoms are similar.

Does covalent compounds have a high or low electronegativity?

In comparison with ionic bonds, the difference in electronegativities of elements in a covalent bond have a lower difference in electronegativities. A covalent bond occurs between two nonmetals that have a difference in electronegativities that is 1.7 or less. Usually an ionic bond has a difference in electronegativities that is greater than 1.7, but not always.

What does a nonpolar covalent bond show about electronegativities of its two atoms?

These atoms have a very similar electronegativity.

How do you predict the type of bond between two atoms?

Some general rules are:- the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is over 2: ionic bond- the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is in the range 0 -2: covalent bond- the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is approx. zero: polar covalent bond

When electrons in a covelant bond are not equally shared?

This is a polar bond between two elements with different electronegativities

Which bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms that do not differ in their electronegativities?

This would be a nonpolar covalent bond.

Is carbon tetrahydride ionic or covalent?

Carbon tetrahydride is an unusual name for methane. Because carbon and hydrogen have similar electronegativities the bond between C-H is covalent.

What does a nonpolar covalent bond show about the electronegativities of its two atoms?

The electronegativities of two atoms are equal :)

When is a polar covalent bond is formed between two atoms?

if two combining atoms have a difference of electronegativities between 0.5 and 1.7 then bond formed is a polar covalent bond.