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The "twisted ladder" shape of DNA is called a double helix.

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double helix structure? or do you mean chromatin

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Q: What is the DNA twisted structure called?
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What Stores and transmits genetic information called?

In a cell, DNA or Deoxiribose Nucleic Acid stores and transmits genetic information.

DNA supercoils to make up the structure known as a?


What is a double helix where genetic code is found?

Very simply put, a gene is a region of DNA that codes for a protein DNA is composed of 4 different nucleotide bases- guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine. A group of three of these is called a codon. A codon codes for a particular amino acid. A protein is composed of a chain of amino acids put together in the codons are in. Therefore the genetic information is the sequence of codons and by extension the sequence of nucleotide bases.

Threadlike structure within the nucleus containing the genetic info that is passed from one generation of cells to another?

The nucleus of a cell contains threadlike structures that contain genetic material called chromosomes.

Distinct threadlike structures containing genetic information are called?

They may be called several things. They could be called Chromosomes (however these are when the genetic information has been aggregated into bodies (usually resembling an X). It can be called DNA (meaning deoxyribonucleic acid) which is the long strand of information made of up base pairs which resembles a twisted ladder. A small segment of that ladder which produces only one protein may be called a Gene. (from whence we get the term genetics). When DNA is being used to make pieces of the cell and produce stuff in genera, it is transcoded into RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) which is a temporary form of the genetic information which can be taken from the nucleus of the cell where the DNA is stored and turned into protein elsewhere. This form of RNA is known as Messenger (m)RNA. containing genetic information: Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes. These distinct, threadlike structures contain the genetic information or DNA.

Related questions

What called the twisted structure of DNA?

A double helix.

Is a DNA a single stranded?

DNA is a double helix structure like a twisted ladder

What shape does the double-stranded DNA have?

The structure of DNA( in over all) similar to twisted ladder.

What is another name for the twisted-ladderr structure of DNA?

Double Helix

How would you describe the structure dna?

DNA looks like a ladder that has been twisted into a spiral. This shape is referred to as a helix shape.

DNA exists as two long chains of molecules twisted around each other in a structure called a?

double helix ramon c.

What are some methods scientists use to study the detailed structure of DNA?

Some methods scientists use to study the detailed structure of DNA include X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. These techniques provide insights into the three-dimensional arrangement and interactions of DNA molecules at an atomic level.

Genes are arranged on twisted strands called what?

Genes are arranged on twisted strands called DNA. DNA is housed in the nucleus and controls the cells functions and systems.

The twisted ladder shape of the dna is called?

The twisted ladder shape of DNA is called a double helix.carbohydrate

What is a strand of DNA?

it is a ladder like structure Improvement by REAP3R11210: DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid, and contains many different chemicals. (Ribose, Phosphate groups, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Adenine) Its structure is like a twisted ladder-like structure, called a double helix.

What structure that's not an organelle holds the DNA and is shaped like twisted ladders?


What did Watson and Crick discover in 1953?

the double helix twisted ladder structure of DNA