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They think everyone has a RIGHT to health care, despite the fact that nothing in the US Constitution establishes this as a right. They think the US government can allocate health care more efficiently than the free market. They think that frivolous lawsuits from their buddies in the personal injury law field do not raise the costs of health care. They think that developing new drugs has zero costs, despite the onerous regulations of the FDA, and therefore, drug companies who charge high prices for their life-saving drugs are just greedy. They think that drug companies, when forced to lower the prices of their products, will continue developing new drugs, despite the fact that there's no profit to be had anymore. They think that everyone who doesn't have health insurance doesn't have it because they can't afford it (many people CAN afford it, but choose not to, because either they can afford to pay for any care out-of-pocket, or because they would rather spend the money on something else). They think that rationed health care will not result in long waits for necessary medical treatment. They think that when it comes to "free" health care, the axiom "you get what you pay for" somehow doesn't apply. They think the "solution" to a problem created by rampant government interfence in the free market is ... more government interference in the free market.

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13y ago

The Democratic health care plan can be summarized as:

If you get sick, we'll help you get better.

If you don't have insurance, we'll help you get insurance.

If you can't afford insurance, we'll help you afford insurance.

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12y ago

Many believe it did not go far enough in fixing the broken US health care system and that a better plan would have been to create a single payor universal plan, as has been operating in most other developed nations for decades. Those in countries where this is available have better health outcomes at a much more affordable cost. In the US we spend much much more for worse outcomes. Of course, the Big Insurance companies and many health care providers do not want this to happen to their current cushy income from over charges. A government health insurance plan for all would be a much better solution than trying to keep the insurance companies in the middle to make profits from our illnesses and to tell us what our doctors should do. Most, however, do believe it is at least a step in the right direction and will improve many of the problems significantly once fully implemented.

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Health care is the care provided to you by doctors, clinicians, hospitals, etc. Health insurance is a method of paying for that health care. An insurance carrier develops a health insurance plan that covers certain costs incurred by a patient on that plan. The patient is called a plan member. The plan member is charged a monthly premium for that plan.

What is a health care plan enrollee?

An "enrollee" is the person who signed up for a health plan and is covered by the plan's benefits.

What are two of the groups who opposed Hillary Clinton's attempt at universal health care?

the health care industry and democratic groups

What is included in the NALC health benefit plan?

The benefits that are available in the NALC health benefit plan include the following. Preventive care, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, chiropractic care, physician care and a prescription drugs plan.

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0 the health care plan is terrible...

What is univerisal health care?

Universal health care is when health care is provided by the Federal Government. Everyone is covered, but not necissarily with a good plan.

Who voted for health care bill?

The health care bill was voted down pretty much party lines. ONLY Democratic Senators and the one independent (and Lieberman (the Independent Democratic) voted for the bill and even some of them realized how bad this was for America and voted against the plan. Included in this plan are give aways that include $7 billion for gym sets, giveaways to students and $400 billion in cuts to the current public option that over 40% are currently on. It also keeps these same Congresspeople from having to have the same health care we will be forced to endure.

How does a prepaid health plan encourage efficiency in the provision of health care services?

Health care providers can make higher profits.

What countries have the best health care plan?


Where can one get a Alberta Health Care insurance plan?

An Alberta Health Care insurance plan can be obtained by being a resident of Alberta, Canada. This plan gives universal access to necessary medical services.

What is the Republican plan for health care?

The Republican health care plan is constantly evolving to shift with the popular demands of the American people. There has not been a consolidated health care plan outlined by the Republican party as of yet, as it continues to be debate among Republicans and Democrats alike. One thing Republicans are doing regarding health care is attacking the Democrats' health care plan. The Republican party is, for the most part, against a centralized health-care system. They argue that a centralized-health care system does not work as well as a privatized corporate run health-care system. Some argue for the privatization of all of health care, including MediCare and Medicaid. They do not want Corporations to shoulder any extra cost to provide any workers' health care plans. Republicans argue for personal responsibility, but they do not seem to have an answer for personal irresponsibility which is quite frequent.