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Q: What is the LD50 theobromine for dogs?
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What is Theobromine?

It's is chocolate We all know it's chocolate. Theobromine is caoco. And caoco is chocolate. Also Theobromine can poison dogs which is why choclate is bad for your dogs.

Why does Magnesium Sulfate not have an LD50?

that's not true, in fact magnesium sulfate has been tested on rats and dogs, and it does have an ld50. "The LD50 values were 206 mg/kg for males and 174 mg/kg for females"

What caffeine-like chemical in chocolate is highly toxic to dogs?

Theobromine makes chocolate poisonous to dogs.

What chemical in chocolate is harmful to dogs?

Theobromine is present in many, if not all, forms of chocolate. It is incredibly lethal to Dogs and is one of the primary reasons in which chocolate is lethal to most, if not all, breeds of canine.

Why is chocolate bad for cats and dogs?

Chocolate contains cocoa, and cocoa contains the compound theobromine. Theobromine is toxic to dogs and other animals at certain doses. Chocolate poisoning is a problem that occurs mainly in dogs but also occurs occasionally in cats or other animals.

Is carob safe for dogs to eat?

carob doesn't have caffeine or theobromine, so if these two are your concern, it's okay for dogs to eat carob.

How does someone get Theobromine poisoning?

Theobromine poisoning is also known as chocolate poisoning and it is common in animals such as cats and dogs. It is not common in humans since humans do not tend to ingest large amounts chocolate.

Why is the LD50 of a mouse different from a human's LD50?

ld50 for lamotrigine

Can cats eat carob?

Dogs can eat carob in moderation. Carob does not contain theobromine, caffeine, phenylethylamine or fromamide, the ingredients in chocolate that are toxic to dogs.

Why can't you give dogs chocolate?

Dogs have a slow digestive system and chocolate is very thick so it take time for a dog to digest it and eating too much can cause severe stomach problems.

What organ does chocolate harm in dogs?

Chocolate damages the stomach, which can not digest sugar. Actually sugar is not the culprit a chemical called theobromine is, dogs can digest sugar.

What in chocolate is so fatal to dogs but not to people and why?

Theobromine and it kills the heart,but its mostly the dark chocolate that's bad for them.