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Google translator offers "plus quam oculo conspicitur" as one possibility.

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Q: What is the Latin translation for there is more than meets the eye?
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What is the Latin translation for you have?

"habes" if it's only one you and "habetis" if more than one you is being addressed.

What is Latin translation for 'you have determined'?

Constituisti (when speaking to one person) or constituistis (when speaking to more than one person).

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Gloria tibi (one person); Gloria vobis (more than one person).

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More Than Meets the Eye - EP - was created in 1994.

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If you are speaking to a single person (one "you") it is Dominus tecumIf you are speaking to more than one person (several "you") it is Dominus vobiscum

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If it is plural meaning you're speaking to more than one it is progredere et vincere. If to one person it is progrede et vince :) I took latin for six years

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More to it than meets the eye.

What is the Latin translation of hear?

"To hear" in Latin is audire. The command "Hear!" is audi or audite depending on whether you're speaking to one person or to more than one.

What is the latin translation for you love?

You (one person) love is amasYou (more than one person) love is amatis

What is Ago Vita irrisorie in English?

Latin grammar fail. This is desperately trying to be a Latin translation of the English phrase "live life with a smile", but it's from an online translation site that produces almost exclusively garbage. In this case we get "I, Life, act ironically".A better translation might be vive vitam surridens(spoken to one person); vivite vitam surridentes (spoken to more than one person).

What can you say about the translation of Latin to Old English?

Old English was a highly inflected language. Its four cases were the same as four of the five cases in ancient, classical Latin. It lacked the Latin language's ablative case for the objects of prepositions. Otherwise, it would have been more cooperative than modern English in retaining Latin word order.