

What is the Mood when romeo gets banned from Verona?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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For Juliet; Sad depressing. For other in the Capulet family; relief and happiness. Montague family; in grief, much sadness, Whole play: sadness, where everything changes and gets worse.

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Q: What is the Mood when romeo gets banned from Verona?
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in what act does romeo get banned?

Romeo gets banned from Verona in Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" after he avenges Mercutio's death by killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo for his actions, declaring that if he is found in Verona he will be immediately put to death.

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The majority of the play happens in Verona. But later on in the story, Romeo gets banished from Verona. He escapes to the city of Mantua.

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Romeo gets banished from Verona

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In fair Verona, where we lay our scene....this is part of the prologue at the very beginning of Romeo and Juliet and it says the setting is in Verona, Italy where the story takes place. When Romeo gets exiled he goes to a place called Mantua.

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Romeo spends the night with Juliet before he gets banished. They spent their last hours together before Romeo is forced to flee from Verona.

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All I know is one city which is Verona, Italy. I'm pretty sure that the other city was also in Italy.. The other city besides Verona is Mantua.=]

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They didn't. They are fictional characters in a play by William Shakespeare, and in a number of Italian stories before that.In the play, they live in Verona, and Romeo gets banished to Mantua.

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Unfortunately, Romeo gets into a street brawl, kills Juliet's cousin, goes into hiding and is sentenced (in absentia) to be banished from Verona.

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I would guess this:.... since they are such good friends, it effected Romeo so much when Tybalt killed Mercutio. Romeo then goes and kills Tybalt, getting him banished from Verona. This is where most of the plan for Romeo and Juliet to be together gets messed up...Since Romeo is not in Verona, the friar's plan has to be delivered by letter. When juliet takes potion to make herself seem dead, she is buried in the tomb. Balthasar goes to tell Romeo who rushes back to Verona, missing the letter explaining the whole plan.

What punishments did the prince give Romeo for fighting?

The prince announces that Romeo will be killed, if he doesn't leave Verona.

What is the penalty for further fighting in Romeo and Juliet?

In Romeo and Juliet, the penalty for further fighting is death. Prince Escalus warns that anyone who disturbs the peace in Verona again will pay with their life. This severe consequence is meant to discourage further violence between the feuding families.

Who gets married in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet