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quite easy to remember ....tRNA

ie transfer Rna.

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11y ago

Transfer-RNA isthe adds that puts the correct amino acid to the growing protein chain.

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15y ago

transferRNA or tRNA

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12y ago

It is tRNA.

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Q: What is the RNA molecule that transfers amino acids to the growing end of a polypeptide chain during translation?
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What is the purpose of a transfer RNA?

Transfer RNA (tRNA) plays a crucial role in protein synthesis by carrying specific amino acids to the ribosome during translation. Each tRNA molecule has an anticodon region that binds to the corresponding codon on messenger RNA, ensuring that the correct amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain.

When does the polypeptide stop growing?

It reaches a stop codon on the mRNA molecule

The step of translation in which amino acids are added one at a time to the growing polypeptide is?

The step of translation in which amino acids are added one at a time to the growing polypeptide is called elongation. During elongation, transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carrying amino acids enter the ribosome and add their amino acids to the growing chain in a sequence determined by the mRNA codons.

What is the role of the tRNA anticodon?

the tRNA carries only the amino acid that the anti-codon specifies. for example: one tRNA molecule for the amino acid cysteine has an anticodon of ACA. this anticodon binds to thh mRNA codon UGU.

What is used during RNA translation.?

mRNA- a transcript of DNA which serves as instuctions for polypeptide formation. amino acid- a single buildin block of protein. tRNA- a molecule that carries a specific amino acid and recognizes its complementary base sequence on an mRNA strand. ribosome- an organelle which serves as the "factory" where amino acids are addes to a growing polypeptide chain.

What is attached to the tRNA molecule?

A specific amino acid is attached to the tRNA molecule, forming an aminoacyl-tRNA. This attachment occurs at the 3’ end of the tRNA molecule through an ester bond and is catalyzed by the enzyme aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The amino acid linked to the tRNA is determined by the tRNA's anticodon sequence and is essential for protein synthesis during translation.

What is the type of RNA that is converted to a protein during translation?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is translated into polypeptides on ribosomes by transfer RNA (tRNA).

What happens to the growing of polypeptide?

It will either continue growing, or develop into a functional protein.

What codons mapped to two different amino acids What would the effect be on your translation of coded messages What would the effect be on the production of proteins?

There is no codon that codifies for two amino acids. The explanation is easy considering that the codon must be recognized by the tRNA that carries a particular amino acid that is going to be coupled into the growing polypeptide chain during translation event. If for any reason there is a codon that codifies for two amino acids it would be an important cause that the translation from mRNA to protein be with multiple errors in amino acid secquence as there is no molecule that discriminates which amino acid should be coupled in the nascent polypeptide chain.

Why methionine is the first amino acid in every growing polypeptide?

Start Codon Methionine's code is AUG which is also a start codon causing initiation of translation.

What places the amino acid on the growing polypeptide chains?


What regions of a ribosome holds the growing polypeptide?

The P site