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Q: What is the STOP approach in getting someone to stop smoking?
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Is quitting smoking good or bad?

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do. It can stop you from getting lung cancer. If you saw the lungs of someone that smokes, and the lungs of someone that never did smoke, you would a HUGE difference!

How do you stop someone from smoking?

i dont smile

How do you recover our tobacco smoke in body?

You cant once its in its in but to help to stop it from getting in you should stop smoking

Did Kristen Stewart stop smoking?

Yes. in J14 magazine she said she started to quit smoking and is getting support from rob.

Why do people risk their lives for smoking?

most of the time they get pressured by someone to do it or its their choice but it has nicotine which makes them want to keep smoking and not stop.

What are the incorrect thinkings about smoking?

I can stop anytime I want to. Smoking stops you from getting fat, Smoking settles down the nerves, Smoking is ok if you don't do it too often. The opposite sex will be impressed by your maturity if they see you smoking,

Does Nicotine gum make you addicted to smoking or stop smoking?

stop smoking

Is any one out there to help people to stop smoking?

Well The nurses and doctors of the NHS are there to help and hope fully someone will come up with a better solution to help people stop smoking :).

How you leave marijuana?

You stop smoking it and stop buying it. Its not very hard to stop.

How do you stop someone smoking?

Its not always easy stopping someone from smoking. Its a really hard habit to quit. First step is to tell the person that u care about them and telll them that they need help or rehab.

Why do you gain weight when you quit smoking?

Smoking can cause loss of appetite. When you stop smoking your appetite will return and you will eat more often, causing weight gain. Some suggestions is to watch your diet more after you stop smoking. Exercising more after you quit can help prevent your body getting lazy.

Who do you speak to about getting a Greyhound bus stop in your city?

Approach City Hall or the Transit Authority in your area.