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Smoking can cause loss of appetite. When you stop smoking your appetite will return and you will eat more often, causing weight gain.

Some suggestions is to watch your diet more after you stop smoking. Exercising more after you quit can help prevent your body getting lazy.

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Q: Why do you gain weight when you quit smoking?
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Do you lose weight by smoking?

You may lose weight while smoking because instead of eating your smoking. But as soon as you quit smoking, you will gain even more weight, very quickly.So you can't rely on smoking.

Do you gain wait from stopping smoking?

Many people gain weight after they quit smoking, but it's not directly from quiting. Most people who give up smoking will eat more because of cravings.

Does smoking effect your body weight?

Smoking CAN affect your body wieght. It is more likely one will gain weight if they quit smoking than lose weight, at least in the long-term, if they start smoking. The main reason for this is that smoking increases your metabolism, which is what helps your body burn fat. If you quit smoking and don't replace that with something that increases your metabolism, i.e. aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes a day, you won't burn fat as quickly as you did when you smoked. Another cause of weight gain for people who quit smoking is that besides creating a chemical addiction to Nicotine, smoking creates an oral addiction, i.e the need to have something in your mouth. Once you quit smoking, people often times replace the oral addiction of the cigarette with food, and thus, eat more.

Can you gain weight while smoking?

Yes, smoking can raise your heartrate but it is still possible to gain weight if you dont eat properly or excersise

Is it true if you stop smoking cigaret make you gain weight?

Not like that. Smoking cigarette is not related to weight loose and gain.

How long should you expect to gain weight after quitting smoking?

People gain weight when they quit smoking because cigarettes are an appetite suppressant. Most people who smoke replace snacking and/or meals with cigarette smoking. When someone quits smoking, they will notice that they are hungry more often. Usually, they will replace smoking with snacking and/or eating more often. If you recently quit smoking, and you do not want to gain weight from increased appetite, then try snacking on fruits and vegetables. Count the calories in your meals. Lower calorie meals can be just as filling as higher calorie meals. You will continue to gain weight as long as your calorie intake exceeds the amount of calories you are burning during a normal day. A good average is 2000 calories a day for men and 1500 calories a day for women to maintain your weight. How long you continue to gain weight is affected by many variables, but on average, a person will level out after 4-8 months. However, the potential to continue to gain weight, continuously, does exsist. If you are diligent about watching your calorie intake, you will be fine.

Does smoking affect weight gain?

Smoking tends to suppress appetites and cause you to lose weight.

How can you gain weight in one month easily?

mcdonalds, kfc, no excercise, try to take public transport or a car instead of walking or biking, if you smoke quit smoking.

You gained 40 lbs after quitting smoking then you started smoking again If you quit again will you gain another 40 lbs?

Stop playing with your health by going back to smoking. You should avoid gaining weight if you observe a proper diet, and your health is seriously affected by smoking.

Why people can't easily quit smoking?

Because smoking is an addiction to the nicotine and tar. It's very hard to break because it's just so addictive, and people are afraid of the weight gain that sometimes follows.

How do you lose weight after you quit smoking?

Exercise regularly and make sure you don't begin eating more.From personal experiance: I stopped 1.25 years ago. My weight gain stopped after 1 year. Now I am starting to lose weight. Concentrate on stopping smoking first. When you feel OK then reduce with a healthy eating plan.Also, once you stop smoking your general fitness shluld improve, so it should be easier to lose any weight gained.

How many years of life could you gain if you quit smoking?

depends when you started and ended