

What is the Stability of chlorine?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is the Stability of chlorine?
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Will chlorine gain an electron?

Chlorine atoms have 7 outermost electrons and need to gain an electron to achieve the stability of a full valence shell.

Why isn't NA2Cl not an accurate representation of an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine?

Because sodium donates an electron to reach its octet stability and chlorine accepts an electron to reach the same octet. So + to - charge results in this formula for that compound. NaCl

Why is sodium a very reactive metal and chlorine is a very reactive nonmetal?

sodium has in his orbits or shell 2,8,1 so it is easier for it to loose this electron to reach his stability form and for that it is very reactive with most of the chemical elements otherwise the chlorine is very active specifically with Oxygen O2 which transform it to chlorites, chlorates, and perchlorate

What element's atomic mass is 35.453?

Chlorine has an atomic mass of 35.453.

What atoms are in chlorine?

Chlorine is an elemental gas. The only atoms in chlorine are CHLORINE. A molecule of chlorine contains two atoms of chlorine (Cl2 ; Cl - Cl) Chlorine is found in the Periodic Table.

why would two chlorine atoms be stably bonded together?

Cl:Cl Since each of the chlorines in the molecule is sharing one electron with the other they both get an octect. They only share one of their electrons with the other. So 7+1=8The chlorine atoms could share a pair of valence electrons.

Atomic mass is 35.453?

Chlorine is a non metal element. Chlorine atomic mass is 35.453.

What is free chlorine in a pool?

Free Chlorine is the Chlorine which is free to do its work in the pool, as opposed to Combined Chlorine which is chlorine that has combined with contaminants and is tied up and ineffective as a sanitizer in the pool. Sometimes you will see it abbreviated as FAC, which stands for Free Available Chlorine.

What is the the state of chlorine?

Chlorine is a gas

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Is chlorine explosive?

Is chlorine explosive?Chlorine alone is not explosive.

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