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Median hourly earnings in May 2006 for salaried hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists, including tips and commission, were $10.25. The middle 50 percent earned between $7.92 and $13.75. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $6.68, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $18.78. Median hourly earnings in May 2006 for salaried barbers, including tips, were $11.13. The middle 50 percent earned between $8.71 and $14.25. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $7.12, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $20.56. Among Skin Care specialists, median hourly earnings, including tips, were $12.58, for manicurists and pedicurists $9.23, and for shampooers $7.78. While earnings for entry-level workers usually are low, earnings can be considerably higher for those with experience. A number of factors, such as the size and location of the salon, determine the total income of personal appearance workers. They may receive commissions based on the price of the service, or a salary based on the number of hours worked, and many receive commissions on the products they sell. In addition, some salons pay bonuses to employees who bring in new business. For many personal appearance workers the ability to attract and hold regular clients are key factors in determining earnings. Although some salons offer paid vacations and medical benefits, many self-employed and part-time workers in this occupation do not enjoy such benefits. Some personal appearance workers receive free trail products from manufacturers in the hope that they will recommend the products to clients. For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below.

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Q: What is the annual salary of cosmetologist?
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As of June 2014, the average salary for a cosmetologist in the United States is $38,000 per year. The average yearly salary for a cosmetologist in California is $41,000.

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The average salary for a cosmetologist is $22,500 per year. However an experienced cosmetologist with a loyal clientele can make over $30,000.

What is the average wage or salary for a cosmetologist?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for a Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists as of May 2008 is, $26,660. This would amount to $12.82 an hour.

Whats the salary for cosmetology?

HI i would like to know the salary for being a cosmetologist.(could you pkease help me:)

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Low it's usually commissions like a stylist.

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What is the salary of a cosmetologist?

You should research cosmetology. You should also go visit a cosmetologist with good reviews and you can find those reviews online. You could also review job posting on for this field and scan for the salary within the ad.