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The American short hair is the most immune to disease and maladies that cats have. They are easier to keep clean and have a very good immune system. The real answer is to get a cat that is affectionate and drawn towards you. If a cat hasn't had very much human contact when it was young it won't be as affectionate as one that has had more human contact. Those that are this way seem to have other pro's like they are usually more active and like to play.

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Q: What is the best cat for first time pet owners?
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What are some good books for first time cat owners?

The Natural Cat

What is a good cat for intermediate owners?

A kitten is the best cat for intermediate owners.

Is the Burmese cat a good cat breed to own for first-time cat owners?

Yes, a Burmese cat would be a good option for a first time cat owner, as they are considered low maintenance and easy to care for. The lifespan of these cats ranges from 10 to 17 years.

What is the best cat you can get?

There really is no correct answer for this. All cat owners believe their cat is the best. Really, the best cat is the one that suits an individual's lifestyle and personality. There is no overall best breed or type of cat. Researching different breeds and visiting local shelters will help you decide on what you would like from a pet cat.

What is the best cat?

There really is no correct answer for this. All cat owners believe their cat is the best. Really, the best cat is the one that suits an individual's lifestyle and personality. There is no overall best breed or type of cat. In my opinion, the best type of pet cat is the domestic shorthair or mixed breed, same thing, the ones with the light black and the white. But Estan7 you are correct.

Driving across country with a cat?

It is best to telephone your vet about this. If your cat is not use to traveling or just nervous in a car or van, there are sedatives that can calm the cat down. Try taking the cat in the vehicle for 2 block drives at first and make the drives more lengthly if the cat seems calm. Also a proper cat cage with a blanket is best and keep the cage turned so that the cat can see their owner or owners or hear their voices (this will help calm them down.)

What does each of the four meows mean and which one means what?

Most people do not speak cat but most owners get to know their cat and what they want. Spending time with your cat will teach you what it wants and how it asks for it.

What is the meaning of finding a dead cat in your backyard?

Many meanings can be derived from this. The first one that comes to mind is: "I need to get a shovel and a trash bag." That's mean. Why would you throw away a cat? Ask around, see whose cat it is, give it to the owners, or if there are no owners, then just bury it in your backyard.

Where was the first cat found and used?

The first cat was found in Egypt in the time of Tuta Ca Moon.

What is the Best breeding times in a cat?

Spring time

What air fresheners do cat owners use?

I have a cat and the best way to rid your place of the odor is one use baking soda in the liter box and or you can use the tidy cat liter and then you would not have to worry about using an air freshener, the tidy cat liter does it for you.

What are the advantages for dog owners over cat owners?

First off, you can practice responsibilities. You will exercise more from walking your dog. You have a friend. Someone will be there for you, and that's your furry friend.You will never be lonely. You will always have company.