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There are so many different sports drinks that there probably is no specific one that is better than all the others. However things like lucosade sport are good. You can also make your own using sugar, salt and water. Just search on Google for something like Homemade sports drink and have a look.

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Q: What is the best drink for gaining electrolytes?
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If you are doing a project on electrolytes what is the independent variable?

dependent, number of electrolytes in the drink independent, type of drink, drink brand controlled variables, amount of drink, what you use to measure the current

What has more electrolytes orange juice or sports drink?

sports drink has more electrolytes and if you add water and salt it is very disgusting well that was easy

What kinds of drinks have electrolytes?

Drink water, natural fruit juices and products like Ensure have electrolytes, or help restore electrolytes in the body.

What contains electrolytes?

drinks like Powerade and Gatorade have electrolytes in it

Is sodium and electrolytes the same?

Drink coconut water

What is the best drink during a swim meet?

While exercising at a swim meet, drinking Gatorade will help to replace lost electrolytes.

Does mitochondria work faster with water or a sport drink?

sport drink. they are full of electrolytes

How do you get rid of thirst with no water?

When a person is parched, the best thing to do is to take in some fluids. The most popular one is water, or anything with electrolytes in it. For example, Gatorade has a high level of electrolytes.

Does Gatorade make you sick if you are not exercising when you drink it?

No. You do not need to be excersizing to be able to drink Gatorade. Gatorade is also a good source of electrolytes.

Is Water or Gatorade better to drink after an activity?

After exercise, especially after intense exercise, you sweat and lose electrolytes, as well as water. Drinking water plain will replenish and hydrate you, but not replace electrolytes. Drinking Gatorade or another "sports drink" will both hydrate you and replenish electrolytes. However, Gatorade and other sports drinks often contain a lot of sugar and calories, so if you are watching either of those, drink Gatorade in moderation.

What if you drink a bottle of vinegar?

If you drink too much it will lower the pH and the electrolytes in your blood. You will get nausea and abdominal pain and extreme acidity can kill you.

What is the best thing to drink after throwing up all night?

You need something with electrolytes in it, like Gatorade or Powerade. Just sip slowly until you're sure that your stomach is recovered.