

Best Answer

The OneTouch Ultra2 is one of the best non-finger blood sugar testers. It also holds more than 100 test results, so if you're looking to store your blood glucose values, then this is the perfect tester.

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How can I get my blood sugar levels normal?

The best way to get your blood sugar levels normal again is to watch your intake of carbohydrates. If you have high blood sugar levels, try to stick to foods that do not contain as many carbohydrates. If your blood sugars are low, try to up your intake of carbohydrates.

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The normal range for blood sugar is between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter. Diet is the best way to control this but people who are diabetic usually need insulin to help.

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I thiNk blood sugar is a good one and witchcraft

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Most foods will raise your blood sugar. The question is to what degree. If you're a diabetic you should endeavour to maintain a level blood sugar and try to avoid spikes which can be hard on your system. The way you prepare your food also impacts on how your blood sugar behaves. Fried food is not the best choice for a diabetic.

Are there any websites that can help me find blood sugar levels?

There are several on-line references that list blood sugar levels. I recommend However, the best resource for this information is your personal physician, who can guide you in managing your blood sugar and interpret any test results.

Do you have too much sugar in your blood if you feel faint?

Too much sugar in the blood can cause faintness, but many other conditions can cause it too. The best advice is to see a physician.