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hi you need to have the rock high enough out of the water so when the turtle sits on it the shell will be able to dry off.

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Q: What is the best sized rock to keep at the bottom of a turtle tank?
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What sized tank do you need to keep a normal sized turtle?

You only need one that your turtle can swim in and if you get one to big it is okay they adapt to there inviorment

What sized tank do you need to keep a small turtle?

Try to get it, 3 times bigger than your turtle. I have a not so little red eared turtle and i keep it in a large tank.

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It is best not to keep a turtle as a pet. Rather sponsor the survival of a turtle in the wild.

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Once Turtles Adapt to their home, id suggest Turtle/Reptile Pellets. i have 5 turtles and this is what i feed them. and if you want to keep them small, keep them in a medium-sized tank. ~The Turtle Expert

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No ... Its illegal to keep star turtle in India

How do you keep turtle tank clean?

Well to keep your turtle tank clean i suggest putting the turtle in a separate bowl. Then scrubbing the edges of the tank will rid algae or other unpleasant rots. If you have gravel or pebbles on the bottom of the tank either replace them or run them through hot water for a few minutes. Then just set up the tank fill it with water and put your little turtle inside! Hope this helps!

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No you,will kill the turtle.

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