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  • I wouldn't think there is any vitamin to take to Build Muscle, But some friends and I drink whey protein drinks and they are supposed to build muscle, I will say that in just a week I saw results but you have to drink them everyday and they also make you want to work out longer. I guess because they give you energy.. eat a lot of high protein foods. I'm not a body builder but that is what I have heard.
  • I don't think that there are any vitamin that can increase muscle mass either, but there are vitamins that can help you digest more protein, carbohydrates, and fat which can help your uptake of more of those nutrients to help build bigger muscle and help you to recover. I take these vitamins call The Greatest Vitamin in the World which contains whole food vitamins (not synthetic), chelated minerals (most ascorbic, probiotics (critical for the body's health), and enzymes (critical in digesting food) all jam pack in one single capsule that you can take everyday to help stay strong and lean. I also do weight training and I use protein powders along with these incredible vitamins to help me build bigger muscles and my results are amazing. These vitamin nutritionally support the entire body in all areas of the body. A friend of mine has used a supplement named "Branched Chain Amino Acids" and I saw the results.
  • There isn't a single vitamin that will help you build muscle. The creation of new muscle mass takes a while and it is a fairly long chemical chain to get from food to muscle. I personally use Animal Pak for all my vitamin needs. They have every possible vitamin and mineral your body can need in them and they come in a handy little pack. As far as the above mentioned "Branched Chain Amino Acids", they are more commonly referred to as BCAA's and are also quite crucial in building muscle. You can't just increase one element in the muscle building chain. You can increase your protein, but if you don't increase your amino acids, you aren't going to be able to process all of the new protein you're taking in. If you don't take the correct vitamins, you won't be able to produce the essential amino acids you need to break down all the protein you are taking in. If you don't supplement yourself correctly with some of the non-essential amino acids such as glutamine, you will lose all the muscle you put on in only a few days.
  • The most basic, old school stack for packing on lean pounds of muscle is very simple. A multivitamin (I use Animal Pak), BCAA's (VERY inexpensive), creatine (I use creatine ethyl ester), glutamine (cheap...), and a decent protein shake (I use Optimum Nutrition whey).
  • I have been using creatine mono hydrate and I can honestly say that its done wonders for me. If you are looking to build your strength and muscle mass you should try creatine i find creatine mono-hydrate a little bit better then CEE (creatine ethyl ester) because its more natural.
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11y ago

That depends quite a bit on your individual needs, but in general, some good ones to take are fish oil (omega 3s), vitamin D, and probiotics, which are not always easily obtained through diet alone (or sun exposure in the case of vitamin D). Many people also take vitamin C to help boost their immune system, but you can absorb that fairly easily simply by eating foods such as strawberries or Oranges.

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10y ago

I know that there are tons of vitamins you can take, however the best ones are vitamin C, also vitamin b 6 and vitamin b 12 are good for your skin, and complexion.

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You need to take three certain vitamin supplements. Take a multivitamin, a calcium supplement, and a fiber supplement. To get specific, consult your doctor since he or she will know what is best for your body.

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The main reason one should take a one source vitamin is because everyone has specific needs and requirements for their body. If someone is short on vitamin C then it is best to take a supplement which can help with a vitamin C deficiency.

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sorry my English is not correct but i try my best ? the best vitamin good for sexual is Vitamin E . to take every single a day than you will see the result . by

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Yes, you can. Doctors are now recommending that you take half of your vitamin pill with breakfast and the other half with dinner. The body can't assimilate and utilize all of them at one time, so much of it goes right out in your urine. But if you take half of your vitamin in the morning, then the other half at dinner, your body gets the full benefit of it. It's important to take them with food to help your body utilize it best, and get the most benefit from it.

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Healthspan. Took it for 2 weeks and it works great.

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Vitamin D without calcium just passes through the body. If you take vitamin D in capsules for example, they also contain calcium.

Where does vitamin e dissolve in your body?

All the vitamins that you take in your body will eventually dissolve in your stomach. Vitamin E makes your hair and skin in top condition. It also repair your cells from damage.

What brand of vitamin c should you take?

I use emergen-c. 1000 mg of vitamin C with other vitamins to help your body absorb the vitamin C unlike other vitamin C pills of drinks