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Make sure your pump is running 15 minutes before adding liquid acid to your pool. This will insure that there are no areas in the pool with water that is not moving and circulating. Now get a bucket a fill it with pool water 2/3 full. Now add the acid to the bucket. Next you will be pouring the contents of the bucket into your pool. Make sure not to splash any on you (ouch) or on your decking. In either case wash off immediately with fresh water. To add to pool; pour contents of bucket as you walk around the deep end trying not to pour right down the walls of the pool. Next rinse your bucket in the shallow end and use your test kit in an hour or two (depends on circulation capacity) to detemine whether or not you need to add more liquid acid. Note: It is better to add small amounts more often than to add huge amounts all at once!

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It is best sprinkled around the pool lightly with no more than 25lbs being added per day, as water can only hold so much chemical.

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Q: What is the best way to add liquid acid to the pool?
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Add acid, Muriatic acid works best but Dry Acid is also used.

When is the best time to add muriatic acid?

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Acid dilutes very fast, add it to your pool (while running to help circulation) and you should be ready to swim in about 30min. Best way to add it is by using a 5gal bucket, fill it so that you have room to add the acid then walk around the pool pouring into the edges of the pool. This will keep from damaging your plaster especially if your pool has dark plaster or pebble tech plaster. Hope you found this helpful..

Add acid in pool?

acid is added to a pool when alkalinity is too high. Take a sample of pool water to your pool shop and have it tested by them. they will tell you what is required.

Can you add muriatic acid and pool shock?

Yes you can the muriati acid is used to get the pools pH to between 7.2 and 7.6 then you can add the pool shock as per the instructions.

How do you raise the cyanuric acid level in pool water?

Remove some water in container (10-20%) and add new water. example: pump water high in cyanuric acid out of a swimming pool and the add fresh water to the pool.

In a salt water pool how do you lower akalinity?

Add acid

If my pool has too much alkalinity what should you do?

add acid

How do you get pH lower in the pool without chemicals?

use either muriatic acid or dry acid (sodium bisulfate)

What pool chemicals do I add to restore balance to the pH of the pool?

To raise the pH of your pool you add soda ash (sodium carbonate). To lower the pH of your pool add muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) or sodium bisulfate. You should always add chemicals with the pump running and check your levels again once the newly added chemicals have been circulated around the pool.

Can you add muriatic acid while the pool still has water in it and is it safe to swim in it after?

Yes, you are supposed to add it while there is water in the pool. Add with filter running near a return line. Add it slowly and if possible, brush the pool to help mix the acid. You can swim within 30-60 minutes.

Can you add muriatic acid to a pebble tec pool to maintain proper pH level or will it harm the pool?

Yes, you can use muriatic acid to control pH in a pebbletec pool. Added correctly (spread around the pool with circulation equipment operating) muriatic acid will not harm the pool. As a matter of fact muriatic or hydrachloric is the best thing to use but I suggest you dilute it 4 parts water 1 part acid for safety to you and your equipment