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You press the pimple until the pus and blood comes out or leave it to waste away or get a treatment for it.

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Q: What is the best way to get rid off a pimple forehead?
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How do you get rid of a dead pimple?

Peel the skin off there face

How do you get rid of a blood pimple on the nose?

The best way to get rid of a blood pimple on the nose is just to leave it alone. You will only make it irritated if you mess with it.

You have this hard pimple on your forehead and it wont come to a head seems to be under the skin what can you do to get rid of it?

use tweezers and get it out or, if that doesnt work, see a dermatologist

How do you get rid of acne on your forehead?

I have been trying to get rid of it almost forever and i think the best thing i have tryed is putting lemon on a cotton ball and rub it in on my forehead

How do you get rid of a pimple before tomorrow?

The only way to get rid of a pimple before tomorrow is by popping it. This will remove the pulse that is in the pimple and may leave a small scar.

Does lacto calamine lotion get rid of pimple marks on face?

Lacto calamine does not get rid of pimple marks but conceals it to some extent .Massage your skin with pure olive oil regularly .The marks will fade off with time.

How do you get rid of a cystic pimple under your arm?

put pimple lotion on it and lotion.

Why do hispanic people put a red thread on the forehead to get rid of hiccups?

it does get rid of it but dont to it it cuts off your circulation dont do it.. in your head.... i think......

How do you get rid of a hurting pimple?

hot water.

What is the best solution to get rid of a pimple?

Pimples are commonly found on your face or back and sometimes legs. The best solution for preventing them is to not eat too many sweet filled foods, such as cake, ice cream or candy. The best solution for getting rid of them is to clean your face as often as possible and not put dirty hands on the area where the pimple is.

How can you get rid of scars from pimples before that?

There are a few ways to get rid of pimple scars, I have heard that raw potato helps get rid of pimple scars. Search it on and that should help! I hope I helped you!

What is a trick to get rid of pimples in a week?

There are many ways that one can get rid of pimple. The most advisable is use of natural methods which do not have side effects.Most people will say apply toothpaste on the pimple and it will get rid off it but there is a more appropriate method to get rid if pimple and making sure they do not come back. Use of nutmeg and milk. Mix nutmeg and milk and create a thick paste then apply it on your face and stay with it for about 30 min but not more the wash. you will see the difference.