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A steriod cream which can be bought over-the-counter, any hydrocrotozone cream as long as it is 1%, however do not use it for more than 5-7 days as it thins the skin & makes it prone to tearing & infections. You should follow that up with a thick cream/lotion such as Vanicream (sold on the internet). This should be repeated 3-5 times a day, if it doesn't clear up in the 5-7 days this particular flare-up may need to be treated with perscriptions from a dermatologist.

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Where can one find cures for facial eczema?

One can see a dermatologist to find cures and remedies for facial eczema. There are various medicines which one can use to treat and prevent future outbreaks.

Can schederma used to treat eczema?

Yes it is a topical ointment and can be used for eczema

How do you treat mild eczema?

Eczema is typically treated with a cream to soothe the area of skin that is irritated. However, if it is caused by an underlying issue, the doctor may treat that with other medications.

How should you treat eczema in pregnancy?

You will need to speak to your doctor about this.

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Eczema is a chronic skin condition. No one dies from eczema. There are medication creams that help treat it. But it can return.

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This is usually caused by stress in many teenagers

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it depends what type of eczema you have.. if it is a light eczema then u will probaably use that but if its a heavy eczema then u might wanat to try something like a Natural Emu Oil Eczema Cream

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Should be the same as in humans: partial facial paralysis on one side. You might notice it in an animal by observing one side of the face drooping more than the other, particularly in the eye and mouth.

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Elidel is a prescription used to treat eczema.

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Go to the hospital

Do skin doctors only treat facial problems?

Skin doctors, or dermatologists, treat a variety of issues. They not only treat facial issues but also treat any type of problem with the skin including any area on the body that might need help from a dermatologist.