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Q: What is the charge of the chlorine formed in the atoms?
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How many atoms make up cl2?

Cl2 is a molecule formed of 2 atoms of Chlorine.

What is the difference among chlorine atoms chlorine molecules and chlorine ions?

A neutral chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons and needs one more valence electron in order to be stable with an octet. A chlorine molecule consists of two chlorine atoms that have formed a covalent bond between them, so that each chlorine atom effectively has an octet of valence electrons, which makes the chlorine atoms stable. A chloride ion is a chlorine atom that has gained an electron, becoming a charged particle with a charge of 1-.

What ionic charge does a regular atom of chlorine have?

None. Atoms are uncharged.

Is table salt formed when the ions of sodium and chlorine combine?

Table salt is formed when sodium atoms and chlorine atoms react to form ions.Sodium atoms have 11 electrons and chlorine atoms have 17. In order to have a stable octet ( a full outer shell), the Sodium atom must lose one electron and the Chlorine atom must gain 1.If the sodium atom gives one electron to chlorine, they will both be stable.This is how table salt is formed.

When an atom of chlorine forms an ionic bond with an atom of chlorine?

it gains an electron d=D have a great day!

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

What is the number of chlorine atoms needed to bond with rubidium?

1: RbCl (Rubidium has 1+ charge, and Chlorine has 1-)

What is it when a group of atoms have an electric charge?

Ions are formed when atoms have charges. Cations are species with positive charge. Anions are species with negative charge.

Is CL2 an expected ionic bonding?

The chlorine molecule is formed by two chlorine atoms. Any compound which is formed by the same non metal element is expected to be covalent.

What type of bond holds sodium and cholride atoms together when sodium atoms interact with chlorine atoms?

When sodium atoms and chlorine atoms interact, the sodium atoms are converted to positively charged cations and the chlorine atoms are converted to negatively charged anions. The cations and anions to which the atoms have been converted are held together by mutual electrostatic charge attractions.

What is the name of the ternary acid formed with chlorine that has the fewest oxygen atoms?

hypoloreious acid

What is the name of the ternery acid formed with chlorine that has the fewest oxygen atoms?

Hypochlorous acid(: