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This reaction doesn't exist, milk is a mixture.

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Q: What is the chemical equation for milk and vinegar combined?
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What happens when milk and vinegar are combined?

it becam rare milk

If milk and vinegar is mixed is it a physical or chemical change?

its a chemical change because you cannot reverse the process and just have milk and vinegar separate

What is the chemical reaction if you put vinegar in milk?

it curdles

Do milk and vinegar create a chemical reaction?

Yes, when you add an acid, like vinegar, to milk a chemical reaction occurs. The acid causes milk to curdle. In fact, by adding vinegar to milk you can make cheese!

Is mixing a 0.5 cup of of vinegar with a gallon of milk a chemical change?


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What is the chemical formula for ammonia hydrogen peroxide vinegar baking soda milk of magnesia and esom salt?

-Ammonia is NH3 -Vinegar is CH3COOH - and you think it would be C2H4O2 but it's NOT!!! -Baking Soda is NaHCO3 -Milk I'm pretty sure is a mixture, so you will have to find the chemical equation, not formula. -I don't think that magnesia is an actual thing, but MAGNESIUM is Mg. -Epsom salts are MgSO4 + 7H2O

Is mixing milk and vinegar a physical or chemical change?

This is a physical change due to the fact that you are adding two substances.

What new substance is formed if vinegar is added to milk?

The product of this chemical reaction is casein, a protein.

Does adding vinegar to milk saw that milk so that the milk will curdle cause a physical change wilco don't cause a physical change?

This is a chemical change.

Why does vinegar separate milk?

Vinegar makes milk curdle and the nature of vinegar is to not mix.

Is chocolate milk a chemical equation?

it is cm=cmc+m+cs (choc. milk=choc. milk carton+milk+choc syrup) I am the creator of that formula along with my friend