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The conclusion is a summary of the results. We didn't do the project, so we don't know. You were supposed to do the project, so you SHOULD know. If you didn't do the project, then you deserve to fail.

Some example conclusions, keeping in mind we don't know which (if any) of these is correct and it's not our job (or grade) that depends on them being correct:

  • Color has no effect on heating by absorption.
  • Green heats the fastest, followed by pink and then paisley.
  • The more a color looks like a fire, the faster it heats up. Red, orange, and yellow heat quickly; green, blue, and purple heat slowly.
  • Objects the same color as the light source heat most rapidly.
  • Objects the exact opposite color of the light source heat most rapidly.
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Q: What is the conclusion to the project how does color affect heating by absorption?
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