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There is no connection between health and sexual orientation.

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Q: What is the connection between homosexuality and health?
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As far as I am aware, there is no connection between acai berries and prostate health.

How does homosexuality affect your health?

Homosexuality does not affect your health in any way. Only unsafe sexual practices (of any orientation) can affect your health.

What is the relationship between stewardship and homosexuality?

Stewardship refers to the responsible management and care of resources, including relationships and communities. There is no inherent connection between stewardship and homosexuality; individuals can practice stewardship regardless of their sexual orientation. The focus should be on promoting respect, compassion, and inclusivity towards all individuals, regardless of their background.

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you are what you eat

Does homosexuality originate in brain chemistry?

Homosexuality originates in the brain, as do all sexual orientations. So it's not a stretch to think there is a connection to brain chemistry.

Is klinefelter syndrome related to homosexuality?

No. there is no correlation between XXY males and homosexuality.

Is your boyfriend gay if he has gone to the bathroom several times in your bed?

It might be that he's horny, and has ejaculated, which is an entirely different thing. Anyway, there's no connection between bedwetting and homosexuality.

When did the World Health Organization remove homosexuality from its list of diseases?


When the world health organization removed homosexuality as not an illness?

The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from there list of diseases and mental illness on May 17th 1990. This day is now called the International day against homophobia.

Is foot fetish more likely in gay men?

There's no connection between foot fetishes and homosexuality. But openly gay men might be more willing to admit we have a fetish than straight guys.

Can Jews get married if BOTH of them lost their parents?

Yes. There is no connection in Judaism between marriage and the health status of the parents.

Why do people eat health foods?

Many people have educated themselves about the connection between food and health, and they know that by eating healthy food, they can live long, healthy lives.