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The bottle that contains only yeast and water.

The experimental group in the bottle with yeast, water, AND sugar.

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Q: What is the control in a bread mold experiment?
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What is a good title for your science fair project concerning mold?

their isn't one

Why does wheat bread mold faster than other breads?

If in your experiment, whole wheat bread has molded faster than other breads, you should look at the ingredients used to make the bread and the processing conditions where the bread was produced. The wheat bread could have been exposed to more mold to begin with or the other breads may have used mold inhibitors.

Does mold grow faster on store bought bread or homemade bread?

The purpose of the experiment was to discover how the type of bread affected the amount of mold. The bread was cut and placed in separate Ziploc bags. The bread was measured for mold every day and was recorded on the data sheet. My hypothesis was "If the white, wheat, whole wheat, sourdough, and sweet bread were placed in Ziploc bags and left for 20 days, then the sweet bread would grow the most mold because the sweet bread had the most energy (sugar) that the mold can use to grow." Whole Wheat bread was the type of bread that grew the most mold, while white, wheat, and sourdough did not grow any mold. When Whole Wheat bread was left to mold, it grew an average of 60.91 square cm. When sweet bread was left to mold, it grew an average of .58 square cm. of mold. When white, wheat, and sourdough were left to mold, they grew no visible mold.

Why hasn't my bread molded for my science project it has been 44 days and there is not any signs of mold?

There could be many reasons, including # You picked a bread that contains mold inhibitors # The bread did not get inoculated with mold # The experimental conditions are not conducive for mold growth (too dry, too hot, too wet, too cold) Sometimes looking at the reason for failure can be even more enlightening than having the experiment succeed.

Why is bread mold harmful to us?

Bread mold is harmful because of the mycotoxins that may be present in the spores of the mold. This type of mold when processed can also be helpful as it is used to produce penicillin.

Related questions

How can you grow mold on bread for an science experiment?

keep it in warm but moist

Which bread can mold faster?

White bread molds faster we did an experiment at school and the white bread got mouldy more quickly!

How can you purposely grow mold on food for an experiment?

You can grow it by pouring water on a piece of bread. Then stick the piece of bread in a tupperware container for a few days. Then you should have bread mold. Hope this helps

Does cheese mold grow faster than bread mold?

Its because of the time made the more you wait the more mold ttry an experiment!!!...You will SEEEE

What is a good title for your science fair project concerning mold?

their isn't one

Which bread will get mold the fastest white bread wheat bread butter bread or sweet bread?

Sweet bread is likely to mold the fastest among those options due to its higher sugar content, which provides a more favorable environment for mold growth. Wheat bread may also mold relatively quickly compared to white or butter bread due to its higher moisture content and nutrient content that can promote mold growth.

How would you do a mold experiment with bakery and store bought bread?

processes of double fertilization in flowering plants

Why does wheat bread mold faster than other breads?

If in your experiment, whole wheat bread has molded faster than other breads, you should look at the ingredients used to make the bread and the processing conditions where the bread was produced. The wheat bread could have been exposed to more mold to begin with or the other breads may have used mold inhibitors.

Can you use mold on a lemon as bread mold?

No. Bread mold grows on bread, hence the name.

What is the quickest way to grow mold on bread?

You will have to prepare a white bread with no chemicals. (Bread with Chemicals will take a long time to grow mold.) First, wet the bread, but don't soak it. Then, blow some dust over it. If you leave it in a Ziplog Bag or a jar, it will grow mold within a week. The speed of your mold-growing will depend on the place's envirement. Make sure your experiment place is moist, dark, and warm.

Do bread mold gets its nutrients from bread?

Bread mold is not a living organism and does not get nutrients from bread.

Why does bread grow mold?

bread grows mold because if it is dry and worn out it needs the mold