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To ensure 100% accuracy, I would use an integer type rather than a floating point type and convert from pence to pounds on the fly if necessary. If you're only interested in whole pounds then an integer is still the way to go (increasing your range by 100 fold). The only issue then is how large a value you need to store in the accumulator. An unsigned 32-bit accumulator can accommodate a running total of up to 4,294,967,295, which converts to £42,949,672.95 or £4,294,967,295 in whole pounds, while an unsigned 64-bit accumulator can accommodate a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616, which converts to £184,467,440,737,095,516.16 or £18,446,744,073,709,551,616 in whole pounds. Personally, I'd go with the unsigned 64-bit integer just to err on the side of caution.

Although it's unlikely in this case, should you require negative values, a signed 64-bit integer has a range of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

Note that floating point numbers may incur errors due to rounding. Although such errors may be unlikely in this case, since you are only dealing with 2 decimal places at most, whole numbers are guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

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Q: What is the correct data type of an accumulator variable used to store real estate sales total?
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What is the basic C-V-P equation?

Sales revenue - Variable costs - Fixed costs = Profit

To facilitate the growing of sales engineers use what?

The Correct answer would be Scaffolds on APEX

What if your company sells twenty five different products you've been ask to write a pseudo code that will display the no of products whose sales are above the average sales value?

First you need to work out the average sales value. For that you need to know the sale price of each of the 25 products and the total number of each product sold. Multiply the sale value by the number sold, then add all 25 totals together. Divide the total value of the sales by the total number of sales to get the average sales value. From that you can determine which of the 25 product lines have a selling price greater than the average selling price. Then simply add the total number of sales from each of those product lines. For a simplified example, consider the following five products: Product #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Selling price $1.00 $2.00 $1.50 $3.00 $2.50 Quantity sold 50 40 10 1 4 Total $50.00 $80.00 $15.00 $3.00 $10.00 From this we can see the total sales value was $50 + $80 + $15 + $3 + $10 which is £158.00. The quantity total is 50 + 40 + 10 + 1 + 4 which is 105. So the average sales value is $158 / 105 = $1.50 The products with a sales value greater than $1.50 are #2, #4 and #5, with sales of 40, 1 and 4 respectively. Therefore there were 40 + 1 + 4 = 45 sales above the average sales value.

What are the advantages of using variable costing?

ADVANTAGE OF VARIABLE COSTING 1. Inventory changes do not affect profit. 2. Phantom profits are ignored. - Profit resulting from inventory buildup, not sales, is ignored. - When absorption method reports phantom profits, it fails to account for expenses related to carrying the additional inventory. 3. Cost-volume-profit relationship - Facilitates c-v-p analysis by separating cost behavior. - Aids management in solving problems involving choices, e.g., make-or-buy decisions where it facilitates comparing company costs with the costs of buying from outsiders (we'll see this in week 6). 4. Marginal products - Variable costs correspond closely with current out-of-pocket expenditures for a product. - Provides sharper focus on the profitability of products, customer, territories. - Multiplying the volume of an item by its unit contribution margin discloses the relative importance of a product's contribution. 5. Impact of fixed costs - Easier to identify impact of FC by separating it and not burying it in inventory or cost of sales. - Helps management to control operating costs by separating them from COMMITTED COSTS. - Responsibility accounting is easier under VC. As VC does not allocate fixed costs to products, it simplifies tracing costs by lines of managerial responsibility. 6. Pricing policies - Contribution margin approach provides guidelines for the most profitable pricing policies. - In the long run, pricing policies should focus on AVERAGE FULL COST, and in the short run, CONTRIBUTION MARGIN. DANGERS OF VARIABLE COSTING 1. Many are accustomed to the functional income statement, the normal relationship of sales to total costs and to using gross margin and net income data. 2. May assign variable income a broader significance than it has. - When sales is greater than production, higher profits may mislead management into taking improper action. - When production is greater than sales (esp. at the onset of recession when sales lags production), the decreased profits may mislead management as to the severity of the recession and lead to missed future profit opportunities. 3. Over-emphasis may lead to improper decisions regarding relevant costing. - If company drops items contributing small amounts of profits, the fixed unit cost that other products must cover will increase. Thus, profits will likely decrease if company fails to add other products to its line. 4. Difficulty in separating cost behavior. 5. In light of the greater proportion taken up by fixed cost in an automated company's cost structure, the practice of eliminating fixed costs from products becomes questionable realistically and theoretically.

Do you have to pay sales tax for performing a service?

It depends on the State you live in.

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Real Estate broker/agent or Realtor. Also, sales associate or sales person.

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a. sales-net operation incomeb. sales-(variable expenses/contribution margin)c. sales-(fixed expenses/contribution margin ratio)d. sales-(variable expenses + fixed expenses)