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How big is the balloon? And what pressure do you require it to be inflated to? Greater size requires more He, thus more cost. Greater pressure requires more He, thus more cost. I have friends who launch helium-filled weather balloons, with Amateur Radio payloads. Once inflated, these balloons have a diameter of about 10 feet, and once released reach an altitude of about 90,000 feet. The cost of the helium for a balloon like this is about $60. Helium isn't cheap. Actually it's becoming scarce, and the US reserve supply, stored underground near Amarillo, TX, is lower today than it has been in the living memory of most folks. A balloon of the size that most folks are acquainted with would probably cost pennies to fill to a pressure that is less than its bursting point. Hope that helps.

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Q: What is the cost to fill a helium balloon?
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What is the average cost of a helium balloon?

Average cost of 1 regular size helium balloon: $1

How do you fill up the balloon on mission 8 on club penguin?

You fill up the balloon by asking G for the super helium.

A balloon has a volume of 6.3 liters Calculate the mass of helium that it would take to fill the balloon?

To calculate the mass of helium, you would need to know the density of helium (0.1785 g/L at 0°C and 1 atm). You can use the formula: mass = density x volume. In this case, mass = 0.1785 g/L x 6.3 L = 1.125 g.

When a gas like helium is used to fill balloons it does what and takes the shape of the balloon?

the gas takes the shape and size of the balloon

Can you make a balloon that float in air?

Yes, a helium-filled balloon will float in the air because helium is less dense than the surrounding air. When filled with helium, the balloon experiences a buoyant force that causes it to rise and float.

When would less helium be needed to fill a balloon?

The lower the atmospheric pressure, the less helium is needed.

How can you send a balloon flying with a letter stuck to it?

Fill the balloon with a gas which is lighter than air: helium, for example.

Name something you filla balloon with?

I personally fill a balloon with my breath, the balloons I buy are already filled with helium.

How do you fill a balloon with helium?

Buy a cannister full of pressurised helium (make sure you read the instructions on the cannister). Fasten a balloon over the nozzle, open the tap just enough to let helium out. Close the tap when the balloon is full.

How is it possible for a cylinder of helium to fill 700 balloons?

if its possible then the reason could be the expansion of high pressured helium from tank to balloon is large.

Something you can fill a balloon with?

You can fill a balloon with helium, air, or water.

If you wanted to make a balloon float in the air which gas should you use to fill the balloon?

Helium is commonly used to fill balloons to make them float in the air. Helium is lighter than air, so when it is inside a balloon, it provides buoyancy and causes the balloon to rise.