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The male tiger barb (Barbus tetrazona) has more red in the snout and ventral fin than the female when in breeding condition.

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Q: What is the coulouration difference between male and female tiger barbs?
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How do you tell female barbs from male barbs?

Generally, female barbs are larger in size than male barbs. Also, male barbs tend to have brighter colouring, especially in the case of Rosy and Odessa barbs. During breeding season, males and females should be easily distinguishable because males will turn a darker colour and females will swell, ready to lay their eggs.

What is the function of the barbs on the penis of a male cat?

They induce the female cat to ovulate after mating.For the male cat the barbs serve as the most sensitive part of his penis.

Can bettas live with barbs?

Most Barbs - no. Tiger Barbs, Green Tiger Barbs and Ruby Barbs - a DEFINATE no! they will nip it to pieces! Other Barbs I'm not so sure about - do some research, but most Barbs - no!

Can tiger barbs eat their own eggs?

Yes. Barbs can and will eat their own eggs, as they have no parental instinct towards their eggs or fry. Barbs will generaly eat all of their eggs as soon as they are released, and then eat remaining fry once the eggs have hatched. For this reason, if you plan on bredding tiger barbs, you should place the female and a male in a breeding tank and remove them both as soon as the eggs are laid.

What is the difference between Razor wire and Constantina wire?

I was a soldier so I dealt with both types alot. Constantina wire has sharp little squares where as razor wire has bigger razor blade shaped barbs.

When was Wreath of Barbs created?

Wreath of Barbs was created in 2001.

Is it true that catfish have venom in the barbs?

Catfish do not have venomous barbs.

Does it hurt when cats mate?

It usually only hurts for the female. The male cat's penis has barbs on it in an attempt to keep out any rival sperm. When the mating finishes, the barbs rip out the flesh on the female. So yes, it does hurt.

Do tigers barbs have live babies or lay eggs?

Tigers barbs have live babies

How many poisonous barbs are on a stingray's tail?

the stingray has 2 poisonous barbs on its tail.

Do Dwarf Gouramis go good with Tiger Barbs?

No, tiger barbs are aggressive fin nippers.

Are tiger barbs warm or cold blooded?

Tiger barbs are tropical fish and are cold blooded.