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Q: What is the cultivar name of Monrovia grown tall pyramidal blue junipers?
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Are brussel spouts leaves?

Yes, the brussels sprout is a cultivar of wild cabbage that is grown for its edible buds.

Where can you buy gooseberry in Bay Area?

Summer Winds carries "Pixwell" Gooseberries. They are grown by Monrovia

What is the word for cow corn?

Usually it's called "field corn." It's a cultivar of corn grown predominantly for livestock feed, but also for ethanol production.

What is the time frame of blooming sunflowers?

Depending on the cultivar being grown and the time planted, a sunflower will usually begin blooming in late summer (mid-August to mid-September).

When was the first pumpkin made or created?

Pumpkins are a cultivar of a squash of the genus Cucurbita (winter squash) which naturally diversified into several variants. It was grown by ancient people such as the Zuni for several thousands of years.

How many bushel of barley is grown on an Acer of land?

That all depends on where you are located, moisture levels, cultivar of barley (i.e., whether it's two-row or six-row), and other factors.

Can you sell seeds without a license?

You may sell any seeds without a license of any kind, unless there is a copyright or patent on the plant that holds its properties if grown from seed, or unless the laws in your area make possession or sale of a certain kind of seed illegal.*The good news is that most plants with copyrights cannot be reproduced exactly from seed. This is because many are grown from cuttings, so are cloned, and can be copyrighted or patented. If these same cutting-grown plants produced seed from which seedlings were grown, most likely the properties of the plant that were copyrighted or patented would be lost. This is due to the fact that the plants from seed will more than likely revert back to the original species, and lose the distinguishing characteristics of the cultivar. Examples of this type of cutting-grown cultivar include special types of Japanese maples such as the world's rarest cultivar called "Ryusen" which is licensed in limited quantities. Another example is the "Golden Delicious" apple.Examples of plants that are sold as seed and patented or copyrighted are crops such as grains or legumes. Soybeans and wheat are good examples of commonly copyrighted or patented plants grown from seed._____* Check with your local law enforcement or consult with your attorney if you have questions about the legality of the sale or possession of particular types of seeds.

Can you grow sunflowers in the southwest states?

Yes. Several species of sunflower grow naturally there. If you grow a domestic cultivar, you just need to make sure it has enough water; they aren't quite as well adapted to drier conditions.

Can you feed deer corn to cattle?

There really is no such thing as "deer corn." Corn is primarily grown in two varieties: field corn, meant for livestock, and sweet corn, meant for humans. Field corn is most likely the variety or cultivar of corn you are referring to, and yes it can be fed to cattle.

Is broccoli a hybrid of cauliflower and cabbage?

No. Broccoli is a cultivar of wild cabbage and is thought to have originated in Italy over 2,000 years ago. Most varieties are not hybrids, such as the kind most commonly bought from grocery stores, but there are a few that are (such as super broccoli).

Which trees are grown in cold areas?

IN my cool country, Sweden, we have many kinds of trees: fir, spruce, yew and junipers, all with needles. Also oak, birch, elm, lime, rowan, horse chestnut, aspen, alder. I may have missed a few.

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The height of a sunflower plant will depend on it species and / or cultivar and the conditions they are grown in. There are dwarf sunflowers that only grow about a foot tall, and giant sunflower breeds that reach over 16'.