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Q: What is the default encapsulation type on a synchronous serial interface?
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What is difference between serial interface and Ethernet interface?

The FastEthernet interface of R1 is disabled. One of the default routes is configured incorrectly. A routing protocol is not configured on both routers. The default gateway has not been configured on both routers.

Which three encapsulation types can be set on serial interface by the administrator who is using SDM Express?

1. Frame Relay 2. HDLC 3. PPP

What is synchronous serial input?

synchronous input means that the flipflop reads input only at posedge or negedge of the clock.

Does bluetooth use parallel interface?

No, bluetooth is a serial interface.

Which type of digital transmission should you use?

synchronous serial transmission

Which component translates a synchronous serial connection to time division multiplexed connection?

The router.

Why set clock rate in router?

To configure the clock rate for the hardware connections on serial interfaces such as network interface modules (NIMs) and interface processors to an acceptable bit rate, use the clock rate interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the clock rate if you change the interface from a DCE to a DTE device. Using the no form of this command on a DCE interface sets the clock rate to the hardware-dependent default value.

What are the types of network interface card?

Gigabit Ethernet interface Controller interface Serial interface Multilink Group interface MFR (Multilink Frame Relay bundle interface) Dialer interface Loopback interface Tunnel interface ATM interface