

What is the definition of a psychological perspective?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the definition of a psychological perspective?
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Definition of psychological perspective?

The definition of physiological perspective is analysis and insights that shed some light and offer understanding to matters relating to the ego. This is common for parents who may share varied views in some issues.

Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body in behavior?

The biopsychosocial perspective emphasizes the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors in behavior. This perspective recognizes that behavior is influenced by processes in the brain and body, as well as by individual psychological traits and the social environment.

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Psychological perspective sees crime primarily as problem of behavior. This is also regarded as a type of social maladjustment in the society.

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from the psychological perspective, you can look view individual behviour either from their personality, cognitive perspective or from the way they compare themselves to others.

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Psychological statistics is the application of statistics to psychology.

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There is no established psychological definition of "marginal personality." It may be a term used colloquially or in specific contexts outside of mainstream psychological literature.

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I understand sensation from a Psychological and an Economic perspective

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The evolutionary perspective highlights the reproductive advantages of inherited psychological traits. It focuses on how certain psychological traits may have been passed down through generations due to their beneficial effects on survival and reproduction.